Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In the two sub-pages shown below I have posted responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs).   Click on the question below to see what my suggestions are for learning the answer.  The questions are as follows:

4 responses to “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. My name is Jo born 1938 in Apeldoorn The Netherlands
    I want to learn about the crash Lancaster bomber it crashed on a morning March or April
    1944 ? on the Zutfense street across the joden bos Apeldoorn
    I have seen the big plane roaring low over my parents house it had big problems
    had to crash and it did , I believe the plane a 4 engine Lancaster bomber
    it ended his flight it hid the ground between some houses on an open field ending against a big tree !
    as a friend of me told me a few years ago,
    he told me only one of the crew died he sergeant Anderson a black negro man (gunner)
    jumped above Voorst 10 KM.from Apeldoorn but tragic hid ,the parachute did not open
    and he felled to his dead.
    what really happened with the rest of the crew, the plane in trouble was followed
    closely by a German fighter plane at a close distance,
    seen forever this scene in my memories .
    the field where the plane hit the ground became a soccer field there I played my ever
    first soccer match for the football club WSV.
    that time the joden bos where German barracks of course the crew did had little change to escape ,
    the flight captain was then shot true his leg by the German ?
    this was told my my friend .
    I hope there comes a conclusion about my young live impact I do have many remembering
    around where I have grown up..on the outskirts of Apeldoorn.

    Gr. Jo van der Zande.

  2. Have you tried following the different suggestions on the following page of this website: For example, there ought to be some historical societies in the area, perhaps one for Apeldoorn, which will have researched the crash. Often there are memorials to the men who died in the crash. If he was buried in one of the WWII cemeteries in The Netherlands, there may be a family which has adopted the grave and has already researched the story of the airman. See on this website. Also, check with the city of Apeldoorn for any civil defense records of the crash.

    Bruce Bolinger

  3. Can anyone assist with crash investigation records? Dutch Air Force Douglas DC-3 fatal crash Brisbane,Queensland ,Australia 26th Feb.1947.
    Dutch Military Archives cannot/willnot assist with records.
    Writer can supply all details of above and is member of ex military group wishing to install memorial site to six lost crew and civilians

  4. I am doing a research project on Andree de Jongh and was wondering if you had any good information and/or sources on her that I could use.

    There is such a wealth of information on her, one hardly knows where to begin. This is because she founded and led what was probably the largest and most important escape line for Allied airmen during WWII. If you are looking for primary source material, I recommend her file compiled after the war by Allied military intelligence and which is to be found at the National Archives II branch at College Park, Maryland. You can go there yourself or order a copy of it from the Archives or through a professional researcher. See the instructions on my FAQ. There have been several books written about her and the Comet Line, including Peter Eisner’s “The Freedom Line,” New York: William Morrow, 2004, which you will enjoy, and Airey Neave’s “Little Cyclone,” London:Hodder and Stoughton, 1954. I am sending you directly to your email address several articles that appeared about her following her death plus a photo of her.

    Bruce Bolinger

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